Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Mother Nature

ok. imagine that. I return to blogging and here it is a lil ode to Earth Momma herself. I won't bother you with playing catchup. Let's just pretend we are the kind of old friends that can not see eachother for years, and just pick back up where we left off. Hopefully spitting wine out of our noses and pretending to forget that mullet you had in high school. I mean me. Or was it you. Anyway, today was Earth Day at the park where Carlin(20 months - for those of you playing at home) and Steven jr (4.90). Carlin fell off 3 structures during my intense Earth saving garbage bag holding 5 seconds. One fall resulted in blood. all over her face, cute shirt and my arm and sleeve. (get home and find out that she chomped her TONGUE!! open!!! EEEWWW!) I know it sounds harsh but I wanted to wipe it off my arm first, but there was a mom watching me and I tended to Carlin first. Oh yeah, all that therapy you spend being the "SECOND" born? Well worth it, sorry but #1 sibling got the best and I'm sorry but #2 can be a bit of an annoyance. I know what you are thinking, wow, she is evil and shouldn't have children. But next year is kindergarten for Steven and all those hours of free time: 8:30am - 3:10pm will be spent completely focused on #2...or maybe I will find a game better than bejeweled to fill my void hours. So I finally strapped Carlin into a stroller and pushed her while I grabbed garbage from this park. There were other moms there - thank God, really you think I do this on my own? And I ran across a pair of completely nasty "purchased white" underpants, but I left them. I do have standards here! Earth momma and all but there is no way I am picking up dirty underwear from a Sunday BBQ gone bad. Plus the police might need to return for evidence.

On the allergy front, We tried a new one with Carlin, Dr Simpson in Falls Church and I loved him! YAY!!! Finally a doc that understands the need for INFORMATION TRANSFER. So 3 hours later in his office and I'm excited! We try wheat trials for Carlin this week!!! Steven goes in 5 weeks later and I'm hopeful!!!

My biggest loser competition with K, J, J, M and A starts tomorrow. So clearly, I will eat and drink tonight until my stomach literally pops a third child. Allergy Count: Carlin -milk, dog(not the eating kind), sesame, spring/fall seasonal allergies, soy, peanut, tree nuts: 7, Steven jr - peanuts, treenuts: 2.


posted by PeeKay @ 6:26 PM