Friday, November 07, 2008

three months

ok. Carlin is 3 months old! yay. how did that sneak up on me? she was just born! and this month is a doctor free month. so no weigh-in although you know i weighed her anyway. over 14 pounds. yikes! brother bill, auntie laura and cousin J-Bomb are on their way here for a fun weekend. it's billy's bday and somehow he and Steve got tix for the CAPS. So I decide to take Laura to J.Gilberts and enjoy some steak with the old foogies. It's so fun watching a 3 year old have hero worship with a 7 year old. And in case this is useful information to you, 7 year old boys do not create their Wii Mii as the image of themself. They take the liberty to create their own cartoon self which looks nothing like themself. Why am i so stuck playing by the rules and trying to create the perfect cartoon fatty? mount vernon admission: $12, chasing a 3 year old through a national landmark: priceless
posted by PeeKay @ 11:26 PM