Tuesday, October 07, 2008

two months with two kids = 1000

ok. back-dated for your pleasure! so i informed Carlin's baby doc that she cursed my baby at one month. b/c now she has some nasty baby acne/cradle cap and her complexion is a mess. one hot mess. bumps everywhere and i don't like it. i also don't want to take pictures of this so there aren't many pics of her at all and so now im already starting carlin on her "why my mom sucks" blog fodder. ugh - i had issues with steven and his cradle cap. and i dont want to deal with it this time. so as i am trying to find a two month picture of sweet C. it is hard. and i dont want to admit that i haven't taken any. oooh. but the weather was amazing the other day and i threw her in this dress that she will never ever fit in again and that is a shame b/c she is so cute! she is smiling now. which is so amazing and worth every minute i spend being totally goofy just to get that one smile. Auntie KK is here to celebrate her 36th birthday. or at least she is here to celebrate her wii fit age. which is 36. and no i am not older than she is - we are 12 years apart. but when wii tells you that you are as fit as a 36 year old. you drop 49 in an instant. carlin's weight: 12 ib,4oz(83%), carlin's height: 23.5"(90%).
posted by PeeKay @ 11:17 PM