Friday, September 12, 2008

this little piggy wants breast milk

ok. if I could find the image from a month ago when we got home from the hospital - you would not believe that this is the same baby. This baby here has gained 2 lbs and 3 oz since her 2 week doc appt. This baby shown here eats like there ain't no tomorrow. It was a lot easier to nurse with only 1 baby. even if I thought the words nurse and easy had no place in a sentence together. Now - add a 3.25 year old boy who thinks the world revolves around his needs. Which of course, i can hardly blame him, as of 5 weeks ago- IT DID. Carlin by all accounts has been a DREAM baby. we are blessed to have her. fur shur. but man, two is hard.
weight at 1 month visit: 9lbs, 6oz, weight Percentage: 75, up 50%!!!
posted by PeeKay @ 1:40 PM