Wednesday, October 01, 2008

gimme a J

ok. so the adventures in potty training a boy haven't really been covered here too much. mostly b/c i started this major undertaking 2 weeks before i was to give birth to my sweet carlin. and even though we are in the midst of week 10 of potty training - and i nearly went broke buying all the Pee and then later POOP toys- i thought of it as a success. but this last week we have been having DAILY "accidents". and when i say accidents i mean - pissing all over the floor. Not the accidents one might think of when running to the bathroom in an "effort" to pretend that they potty trained. so I hear the voice..."MooooM" and I know what that means. pee filled thomas the train briefs and soaked shorts. But this time there was a twist. Steven jr comes running to get me announcing "IT'S A J, it's a J!!!" and I know everyone loves the alphabet song, but really? now we are pissing the alphabet song.
letters left to piss: 25, weeks of not cleaning man poop from a 3 year olds size 6 diaper: 10.


posted by PeeKay @ 11:50 PM