Tuesday, August 05, 2008

reproduction updates...

ok. so I know everyone out there is skipping work tomorrow am, so they can tune into the US women kicking some soccer booty against Norway. 7:45am. it's totally on HD too. My only possible hiccup would be if my future mia hamm decides to pop out tomorrow am. right now, that's my biggest worry. 10:15 water breaking would be cool, not so much pre- 7:30. today's appt with doc porter revealed labor is progressing. woot woot! which means soon we will be a party of 4. i hope my little man of 3 can handle the new task. I keep emphasizing how much a newborn cries. I don't want any smoke being blown here. And because I didn't really think it was enough to be 38 weeks preggers in August in VA, I decided to start potty training jr last thursday. so on day 6, we are doing pretty good. no PEE accidents in 4 days. clean and dry. BUT the pooping aspect is another story. with 2 playdates in the last 2 days, stevenjr has preferred to just let it rip in his underpants. oops. in a futile attempt to induce labor, beaner and i went to the Thai Square Restaurant for some incredible FOOD. I think it has been 7 years since I have been to this place, and I can't really figure out why. It was friggin AWESOME. and hotter than a hoot owl. I did actually break into a sweat. ahhhhh...perhaps a last dinner? effaced: 50%, dialation: 3cm.


posted by PeeKay @ 10:20 PM