Monday, March 10, 2008

procrastinaaaaaaaaa SHUN

ok. so it's about an hour away from my M-I-L's arrival and I'm sitting here online. the bed she is to sleep on is covered with laundry. The sofa in the TV room has a few more piles of laundry, the kitchen is a disaster, and I haven't found a rub to put on my organic chicken I bought at TJoes. Sound like a normal M0nday? Why aren't I cleaning? B/C today is rip-your-pants-and-diaper-off MONDAY and it was followed by wear-your-new-underpants Monday Afternoon- even though you aren't potty trained and you could care less if you sat around in wet cotton tightee whitees. Plus, my internet was down this AM and I had to reset the router all on my lonesome. woo! I met a new mom today at stevenjr's preschool. she had this amazing french accent and I wanted her to invite me to her home and drink wine and eat cheese, but of course you can't exactly ask someone you JUST met such a thing, and I'm not drinking red wine b/c of the Surgeon General's advice. So I just wanted to let you know that I am here. and now scared out of my mind to drink the town water ---"Pharmaceuticals, along with trace amounts of caffeine, were found in the drinking water". Um hello. Now that explains my lack of seizures and miraculous fix of my Urinary tract infection. Who knew you could get all these benefits from water! So Im going to look into the poland spring delivery! my favorite water! chinese food delivery: $ 30.00, delicious factor: 0.
posted by PeeKay @ 1:23 PM