Friday, March 14, 2008

cleanup in aisle 23!

ok. so the trip is planned. we are off to Naples Florida, despite my preconceived thoughts of its blue hair inhabitants fleeing the Northeast for hibernation season. so thanks for all your advice. either my readership wouldn't be caught dead in Florida for vacation or I have no readership. I hate to imagine that everyone is so callous to ignore requests for comments and advice, but...

today is a BIG day. BIG as in GIANT!!! THE SUPER GIANT IS FINALLY OPEN!!! It opened at 6am. But I won't stroll in until about 10:30. I may even dance down the aisles. I am so excited about this grocery store opening that I cant really explain the phenomenon. There will be balloons, door prizes and face painting! move over kids, i wanna be a tiiiiiiiger! To imagine driving to a store in 3 minutes makes me soooooo happy! I might even high 5 the produce dude. At what age do parents allow their rugrats to roam free in the supermarche? I can not even imagine - well i kinda can- if i let steven free. he would have ripped everything off the newly stocked shelves and would be tearing open the chips and biting each and every apple in the joint. yet, i still see these little lambs walking alongside their mom calmly, not even squirming or whining! WTF! what's in their water supply?

People keep asking me what I have been craving, and well, that's not true actually, b/c people are scared to approach me as I still do not LOOK pregnant, still in fat anyway, what I have been craving is SESAME SEED BAGELS! yum, with plain cream cheese. so delicious.

current travel time to closest grocery store(in minutes): 10, new travel time: 3.


posted by PeeKay @ 7:53 AM