Sunday, May 15, 2011


ok. It has taken me a YEAR to finally post my 500th post. Cue balloons to fall from the sky. That is ridonkulous. I was scared of 500. Not as much as the looming 40, but that's another post entirely. One that I will probably write in my nightmares and share with you all. But I got this email today about my favorite little miss b who decided to start a blog. well, i was inspired! So hi, HOW ARE YOU? And by you, I am talking to myself b/c I'm pretty sure after 13 months of dead blog air, no one comes back. But it's for me. Ok so I have been consumed with FB and now I'm twitter fabulous. I have "met" some awesome truly fanatical womens soccer fans. WOOP. SOme make me laugh and its so fun finding an underground group of soccer spazzes who love the US womens national team as much as i do. maybe more, b/c they actually fly to see games and I DVR them and ignore their tweets until I catch up on the game. SO it's a WORLD CUP year! 2011! year of the German hosted Womens' event. So being sippyworldcup I do feel a sense of duty to get back to blogging. It's soo 2001. which brings me to another fact. I have been blogging for 10 years, well if you don't hold that one year of non blogging against me. Pretend I went to jail and I am back and all rehabilitated. sweet. And we are selling our house. I won't tell you where it is and I'm not insane enough to post it on Foursquare and have everyone follow me. I do have limits people. So I watched the US women beat Japan 2-0. It was a pretty enjoyable win until my favorite player Lindsay Tarpley came in (YAY) and then blew out her knee. I don't know Tarp, but I do feel close enough to call her Tarp and to know when she came up and winced up at the sky that something VERY VERY bad had happened. I have that sort of connection to her. And we won't mention that this is not the first knee injury that kept her off the team for a few years. I do feel sick about it and I will blame this coach for it, these knee injuries weren't as rampant before this Pia came along. Some stats for me to work on. and just to keep you up to date. kids:2, stevenjr:6, carlinB:2.75.

Well, there it is. I ripped the bandaid off, the gag-order, the writers block whatever it was that kept me from talking about soccer and being a mom watching soccer. I haven't even covered topics like "Is this what Landon Donovan's mom felt like" after steven scored 4 goals in a game last Fall. No matter that he trudges to the field and putting his cleats on is akin to a prison guard putting a lockdown on the yard. There's always kid #2!!!

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posted by PeeKay @ 9:42 PM